Make a new years resolution that will cut your housework by 40%

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2020

According to the American Cleaning Institute, getting rid of clutter would eliminate 40 percent of housework in the average home!

 I can vouch for this statement being true.

 I've eliminated clutter from my home and my housework is now simple, quick and ummm kinda even enjoyable keeping my house functioning and feeling good.

So if you want to live a more minimalistic life, free of clutter but are currently far from it... how can you make decluttering your new year resolution?

Dip your toes in the water

We have all felt some level of release and accomplishment when we have sorted through an entire area and decluttered it. Just start with picking a few small areas to declutter to get in the zone of becoming more intention with your belongings. If you are reading this shortly after I post it, you can still jump in on my '12 Days Of Post-Christmas Decluttering' challenge here. We tackle a different 15 minute decluttering task each day for the 12 days after Christmas. Because it's 15 minutes it is easy to catch up and I provide you with step-by-step instructions.

Establish your priorities

Are you totally overwhelmed and want to declutter the areas that cause you the most stress?
Are you intimidated by the process and just want to start where it is easiest?
Or do you want to go through your entire house in a logical order to arrive at your version of minimalism?
When you establish your priorities on how you are going to approach the decluttering, then you will have some direction on how to start.

Declare the direction you want to go in and know your 'why'

I don't want you to give yourself 3 weeks to become a minimalist and have every last unessisary item out of your home. I am definitely not preaching this sort of new Year reso. Let's be realistic and get real about why we want to declutter. Maybe even write it down and write down a vision for how you would love you home to be and feel.
Know the direction you want to head and make sure you finish the year further in that direction than when you started. Make 2021 be a year of aligning your actions with your values.

Spend time doing complete sections or categories

You will be endlessly decluttering if you don't complete what you start. I am a big believer in using a process to declutter your entire house, finish it, and enter Maintainance mode. You might not be doing your entire house but be sure to complete the sections and categories you declutter. If you are decluttering your clothes, it might take longer to pick up every item of clothing you have than to let go of items over time. But the benefits of having fully completed that category will impact your life positively every day thereafter.


If you are making 2021 your year to align your actions with your values and becoming more intentional with belongings in your home is part of that, then defiantly add your name to the waitlist for Cut Clutter & Cultivate Joy. Its an online program I am working on to guide new mums through a complete decluttering process preparing their home to support motherhood without burnout.


50% Complete

Two Step

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